In this video you will learn the Top 20 German verbs with prepositions. The most common used and most important ones which will help you with your daily German. A common problem is how to choose the right case for the preposition. More about this in the bonus tip and if you are in A2 / B1 level...
In this video you will learn how AND when to use the German conjunctions "seit" and "bis". The difference between those two and example sentences for each situation/tense. Conjunctions are used to combine sentences and with "seit" and "bis" you can give additional time information to a specific...
In this video you will learn when and how to use and build the German simple past which is called "Präteritum" (sometimes also Imperfekt) in German. The German verb conjugation for regular and irregular verbs in Präteritum and lots of tips and tricks along the video to make your...
In this lesson you will learn 10 Word-Combinations that are often used in daily life, especially in spoken language. Although you might know the meaning of each and every word by itself, but when these words are combined their meaning changes.
In this lesson I will guide you through the whole ORAL (SPRECHEN) part of GOETHE ZERTIFIKAT A2 (Test for adults). I will show you step by step, how this test is conducted and show you the way to pass it with ease. Each part of the test is explained in detail to make it really easy to understand....
In German we often form questions with a preposition and the question article "welchem, welcher, welchen" and other ones. Such as normal articles as well, the question article "welch-" does change its endings according to the case of the preposition and the gender of the noun it precedes. How...
In German when we talk about time we often use the words "erst" and "schon" to emphasize if something is late / early or if you still have a lot of time or only a little. At the end it all comes down to perception. Something might be early for you, but for another person it is late. And this is...
A very common verb you use all the time is this "to know". The problem is in German we have two different verbs for "to know". In this video you will learn when you have to use "kennen" and when to use "wissen". The difference between "kennen" & "wissen" and when to use which.
A common problem for German learners are these two A2 level prepositions: "aus" & "von". In this video you will learn the difference between "aus" & "von", in which situations you can use which one and lots of example sentences to help you better understand these two common used German...
In this video I will clarify 10 very common misunderstandings that German language learners of any level might still struggle with. None of which are about difficult grammar, hard-to-spell vocab or exceptions that no one knows about. It's all about simple things that seem obvious to many...